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in amount 意味

"in amount"の例文


  • {1} : 総計{そうけい}で、トータルで(in total)
    {2} : 結局{けっきょく}(のところ)
  • amount     1amount n. 総計; 数, 量, 額. 【動詞+】 I added the same amount to each plate.
  • amount     1amount n. 総計; 数, 量, 額. 【動詞+】 I added the same amount to each plate. それぞれの皿に同じ量を付け加えた Any amount, however small, will be appreciated. どんなに少なくとも金額の多少にかかわらずありがたくお受けします How do they c
  • amount to    {1} : 合計{ごうけい}~になる、総計{そうけい}で~に達する The pass rate of the exam amounted to 51 percent. その試験の合格率は51%にものぼった。 The bill amounts to $__. その請求書の合計金額は_ドルになっている。 -----------------------------------------------
  • no amount of    最大限{さいだいげん}の~ですら…ない
  • not amount    及ばない
  • to amount to    to amount to 及ぶ およぶ
  • to the amount of    ~だけ、総計~まで
  • (amount of) money    (amount of) money 金員 きんいん
  • (amount of) production    (amount of) production 産額 さんがく
  • (amount of) traffic    (amount of) traffic 運輸量 うんゆりょう
  • abnormal amount    異常量{いじょう りょう}
  • absorbed amount    吸収量{きゅうしゅうりょう}
  • accumulated amount    累積額{るいせき がく}
  • acquisition amount    取得量{しゅとく りょう}
  • additional amount    加算金{かさんきん}


  • either way , it is said that sesame , salt and water to be mixed and roasted should be equal in amount .
  • the rice is hulled into brown rice , which further decreases in amount to approximately 70 kg (about 0 .4 koku in volume . these values are calculated based on the rice-polishing ratio slightly lower than that for present-day futsushu [regular sake ]) , and the same volume of water is added to this to brew 0 .8 koku of sake .
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